Is This My Color?

Photo of woman with hair wrapped
Picture of Martha Magrina
Martha Magrina
Photo of woman with hair wrapped

Every time I look at this photo, the woman becomes even more striking. The balance of colors she is wearing are in perfect harmony with her natural beauty.

The power of color in style incredible.

How many times have you been out shopping, and found yourself in the fitting room trying on a top that you loved on the hanger, and as you look in the mirror, you find yourself thinking, “is this even my color?”

One reason you might be asking yourself this question is this. You loved the top when you saw it, so you put it on. For some reason, the color of it is making you look tired, dull, older and/or unhealthy.

The reason for this is that not every color (or variation of a color) is flattering against our skin tone and hair color.

How Many Colors Are There?

Did you know that there are an unlimited number of colors?

One popular paint company has over 2,000 variations of the color navy blue (alone)!

It’s mind blowing. No wonder paint shopping is so overwhelming.

If you’re an artist, you’re no stranger to this concept.

And guess what? It also applies to style.

The Properties of Color

To better understand, let’s break down the properties of color.

What we know for sure is that there are 3 primary colors (red, yellow, blue).

All other secondary and tertiary colors are created by mixing colors together.

In image consulting, we look at 3 components of color: temperature, value and intensity.

Temperature: Warm vs. cool

  • Warm: These colors have the presence of sunlight. We tend to experience these colors as stimulating and exciting.

  • Cool: These colors have the presence of the the moon or cool water. We might experience them as calming, soothing or peaceful.

Value: Lightness or darkness of a color

Value refers to the amount of contrast we have.  Here are 4 questions to help you identify your own value contrast.

  1. Is there a high, medium or low contrast between your hair and eyes?
  2. Does the contrast of your eyes influence the amount of contrast in your face?
  3. Do your eyes and whites of your eyes show a high, medium or low contrast with the iris, hair and skin?
  4. Does the contrast of your eyes influence the amount of contrast in your face?

Intensity: Dulness vs. brightness of a color

In order to understand your own level of intensity, here are 5 ways to determine how naturally soft or bright you are:


  1. Shiny hair
  2. Skin has a natural sheen
  3. Eyes are piercing and bright (can be seen from a distance)
  4. High contrast between your iris and white of your eye
  5. White teeth


  1. Softly muted eyes 
  2. Soft or creamy whites of the eye. 
  3. Eye color not visible at a distance. 
  4. Soft energy in the face. 
  5. Hair and skin are muted or matte.

The balance of these 3 elements – Temperature, Value, and Intensity can have a significant impact on appearance.

The process of having your colors done is a fun one! It’s performed using very precisely dyed fabric swatches. Through conducting a unique color analysis, we can see which colors magnify your beauty, instead of drain it. You will come away with a set of colors that make you appear healthier, brighter, younger, and more energetic.

Curious? Pop your questions in the comments, or book a free consult below!